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Costa Rica Orchids, Flowers, and Hummingbirds at Bosque de Paz Private Nature Reserve Bosque de Paz Rain / Cloud Forest Lodge & Biological Reserve in Costa Rica
Cloud Forest Tours at Bosque de Paz - Hiking, Nature Trails, Birding, Reserves, Wildlife Sanctuaries

"Yoga balances, harmonizes, purifies and strengthens the body, mind and soul of the practitioner. It shows the way to perfect health, perfect mind control and perfect peace with one's Self, the world, nature and God."

Swami Vishnu Devanda

¿What is yoga?

Yoga is a millenial tradition, pursuing the union of soul, mind and body. The word yoga comes from the sanskrit term defining union and reminder.

There are many yoga systems, all pursuing the same end. Hatha yoga is widely known in western culture, which uses asanas, or postures, to direct vital energy, known as prana, to its point of balance. Hatha yoga is a meditational form in which the body, mind, and spirit become one, participating actively.

Anusara yoga is a system 1997 by John Friend. Anusara is a sanskrit term from the Kularnava Tantra which means flowing with Grace o following the heart.

Anusara yoga is one of the most popular and widespread systems in the world. Its practice is a way to recognize our perfect and whole nature. As part of our divinity, all human beings are essentially good.

Our yoga practices are designed for persons with different levels of ability, children, adults, elders and persons with limited mobility.

Each of our classes starts with a mantra and breathing exercises, and each student chooses a thought or insight to pursue a specific personal meaning to the class.

The class ends dedicating time to a Savasana, or silent meditation to assimilate what was learned, with a final blessing through a Mantra, set to accompany us throughout our day.

Some benefits from sustained practice of yoga are:

Improved flexibility and strength, as well as better spinal alignment.

  • Prevention of arthritis and joint strengthening.
  • Bone strengthening, especially the ones associated to the spine.
  • Improved blood circulation and stregthened heart muscles.
  • Weight loss and responsive immune system.
  • Lowered blood pressure, blood sugar, cortisol and cholesterol.
  • Cheerful state of mind and lymphatic detoxification.
  • Healthy nervous system, and controlled neurological center.
  • Better physical balance through bodily consciousness.
  • Proper location and reduction of muscular tension.
  • Bowel regularity.
  • Better self-esteem, inner peace and deeper sleep.
  • Relief for chronic pain through respiratory consciousness.
  • Improved human relationships and enhanced anger management.
  • BOSQUE DE PAZ  can supply yoga mats and all of the necessary yoga-related items for our guests. Please feel free to ask for our rates, and remember booking for your class in advance.




    Costa Rica waterfall in the rain forest near Bosque de Paz Lodge and eco-hotel

    You will admire wonders of nature, outstanding birds, and wildlife at BOSQUE DE PAZ using our all signed trails through the forest. At our preserve we count with different trails ranging from 1 kilometer to 7.5 kilometers, adding up to 22 kilometers through old growth and second growth forest.

    You will decide your preference, accordingly with your interest.

    We offer several tours from our Preserve to popular destinations and bird hotspots close to the area.

    All of our tours include transportation, entrance fees, and meals.

    OTS La Selva Biological Station: La Selva Biological Station is a tropical biology research facility, located in the Caribbean lowlands. It is one of the most famous birdwatching hotspots in Costa Rica, where it is possible to see birds as he Great Tinamou, Great Curassow, Purple-throated Fruitcrow, and Snail Kite. It has 72 kilometers of trails through premontane rainforests. Local Naturalist Guiding services are included.
    Whitewater Rafting: We organize trips to the Sarapiquí river fro whitewater rafting tours. This is one of the best rivers for this activity in the world.
    Arenal Volcano: The Arenal Volcano is Costa Rica's most active stratovolcano, producing constant lava eruptions, which can be safely observed from the base of the cone. It is also possible to visit hot springs, and see a variety of birds such as Toucans, Jacamars, Crested Guans, and Aracaris.
    Poás Volcano: The Poás Volcano is one of Costa Rica's active stratovolcanoes. It has constant gas eruptions at its active crater. It also has the world's most acid natural lake with a pH of 0. It is 2600 meters above sea level, and it is a good place to find many of the endemic species of birds of the country such as Sooty Robin, Large-footed Finch, Peg- billed Finch, Slaty Flowerpiercer, and Black-and-yellow Silky-flycatcher.
    Carara National Park: Guided day trip to Carara National Park to seek out scarlet macaws and other birds. Walking on easy trails, you will be on the lookout for crested guan, royal flycatcher, fiery-billed aracari and black-bellied wren. And, of course, scarlet macaws. Carara is one of the few places in Central America where you can see these rare creatures. More than 100 live in the park year-round.