Sarchi, pronounced SAR- CHEE, is located just 15 minutes from Bosque de Paz. This is a charming town where local artists and their crafts are the main attractions. Probably the most famed product is the painted oxcart, which today is one of Costa Rican´s national symbols representing the labor force of the country, and a remembrance of days gone-by when the oxcarts were the traditional means of transportation.
The area of Sarchi is a hot spot for both international tourists and locals, where you can find more than 200 small family-operated woodwork and leather workshops and craft and souvenir stores. This is ther perfect place to spend the day, or to stop for a visit on your way to or from Bosque de Paz. Be sure to give yourself enough time to enjoy an ice cream or a delicacy in one of the local bakeries as well as stroll a large variety of the shops.
Other sites to see in Sarchi include:
- The pink and blue Catholic Church – looking a bit like a wedding cake, you will love the architecture, hardwood vaulted ceilings and carvings done by local artisans
- Artisan Market – a large warehouse operated by an artist’s co-op offering all kinds of crafts.
- The World’s Largest Oxcart – this giant brightly painted oxcart rests on a platform in the central park of Sarchi across from the church.
- Artisan Plaza – a large outdoor mall of souvenir shops in south Sarchi.
- The 112-year-old Joaquin Chaverri Oxcart Factory (built in 1902), where you can find all kinds of souvenirs and painted oxcarts; see real artists painting oxcarts live in their workshop.